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Home Daze: Resources to keep those kiddos busy and brainy

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

Home days here we come.  Teleworking, distance learning, and make-your-own-scheduling, all amidst dirty dishes, legos, and hand sanitizer. My family will definitely try to do a lot of cooking together -- after all, having your kid make his own snack will take up at least 10 minutes of the day! Now for the remaining 7 hours and 50 minutes (or more) of your normal "work day" . . .

I'm sharing a few links below to free educational and other resources that may be helpful for parents of home-bound kids as we all start figuring out how to manage life over the next few months during this national emergency. Please share with parents and others who might find it useful and share with me your ideas too -- I'll try to update this list as we all learn our way through this.

(Pictured: café au lait and "kid-friendly coffee")

Online Resources:*

1. Educational Lessons

(Free at this time for those with no school -- use code: BPOPFREEACCESS)

(online lessons in Math, Science, and English for grades k - 7)

2. Podcasts

3. Language Learning

(foreign language games for adults and maybe useful for older kids)

4. Social Emotional Learning Activities 

5. Drawing Practice

(15 online drawing sessions)

(drawing webcast for kids)

(drawing lessons - some free)

6. Virtual Story Time & Children's Books

(Also check your public library's website as many offer free e-book rentals through Amazon.)

8. Physical Fitness new!

@10:45 am on weekdays; recommended for ages 5 - 9; parents can join; need to sign up in advance to receive daily link. (Offered through Kaizen Karate.)

@ 11am on weekdays on Instagram

9. Games -- For One or with Zoom Friends new!

(free online beginners chess and lessons for kids)

(free math, word, and teamwork games)

Pictionary or Charades - via video chat

(play either game with friends on zoom, with each kid using this automatic word generator)

Taboo - via video chat

(practice language and reading skills by playing taboo with friends on zoom, with each kid using a separate list from one of these words sets on Pinterest)

10. Multi-faceted Kid's Websites

(free daily DIY project ideas, daily kid's schedule, activities, and other parent resources)

(free games, books, and more)

(free books, games, and videos)

(free animal related games, videos, and more)

Bonus: an NPR kids comic on the coronavirus, and articles on talking about race with young children.

*Note: I’m not affiliated with, nor am I endorsing any of these sites or products-- just passing them along in case they are helpful for you, because I for one will need a lot of help here!


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